How do you handle manipulators?
This was how I responded to this interesting topic I found in a Web Answer forum:From a clinical perspective on dealing with manipulation; every interaction we have with our surroundings and other people is a form of manipulation. We talk with others to fulfill needs, we interact with objects to fulfill needs. This is purely a interaction to meet a need. Usually with limits as to not cause harm.
There is a negative form of manipulation when someone aims to meet their needs "despite" what happens to others. Doing something because we can, or there are extras, or we aim to distract.
For example, a person that likes to cause drama for attention. It upsets others and only serves as a form of entertainment.
The main thing to remember is to set clear boundaries. If someone talks to you in a way that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable you have every right to say. "I don't feel comfortable answering that question". Its also acceptable to say, I need a break from this situation and walk away.
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