
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How do you describe a person who does not know how to treat a very kind person?

How do you call someone who does not treat a very kind person nicely?

A very interesting topic I found in a forum on Web Answers. This was my comment:

Verbal abuse is the most common type of abusive actions. It is also the most detrimental due to the frequency of occurrence. It is very important to watch for signs of this early on and then decide if the relationship can improve. It rarely improves without professional help.

In the case of this woman, she should find some books to help her at "The Secret of Overcoming Verbal Abuse: Getting Off the Emotional Roller Coaster and Regaining Control of Your Life". is a great one. Get in a support group, and make a new life with only positive people. Help those that are also struggling.

The reason a person can commit verbal abuse is a number of reasons. No coping skills, lack of respect, inability to communicate, no self-esteem, conditioning through upbringing, and complete disregard. In the end we allow people to treat us how we want or we can walk away.....those are the only true choices.

Read other comments here:

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